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Public Announcements & Request for Qualifications for Medal of Honor Project

Wright Dunbar, Inc.  (the “Owner”) in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Sections 153.65 through 153.72 is soliciting statements of qualifications and design-build services in connection with replacement and upgrade of Veterans Memorial Area of Friendship Park. The total program budget for this work is $1.2M.


Design/Build Firms interested in providing the services may obtain from the Owner its Request for Qualifications for Design-Build Services document detailing the procedures and conditions for submitting a statement of qualifications by contacting:


ATT: Amber Smith

Nathan Schwieterman

The Dayton Foundation

1401 S Main Street #100

Dayton, Ohio 45409



Please submit all questions regarding this RFQ in writing to Nathan Schwieterman at with the project name included in the subject line (no phone calls please). The deadline for questions is November 1, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Any interpretations of questions, which in the opinion of the Owner or its representative require interpretation, will be issued by addenda. The name of the party submitting a question will not be included on the Q&A response.

Sealed statements of qualifications must be addressed and delivered to the address noted above by no later than 10:00am November 8, 2024. Statements of qualifications received after this deadline will not be accepted or considered. Statements of Qualifications must be identified on the outside of the envelope by the following: “REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR DESIGN- BUILD SERVICES.” Two (2) bound, hard copies and one (1) digital copy (CD, Thumb Drive, etc.) of the Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) are to be submitted. SOQ shall be submitted as a PDF. Make sure the document is printable. SOQ may not exceed fifteen (15) letter-size (8.5” x 11”) pages and shall include the information specified in Section C. A one-sided sheet counts as one page. A two- sided sheet counts as two pages. Pages that exceed the fifteen-page (15) limit shall not be reviewed or included in the scoring of the SOQ. For the full RFP please click on the link

Project Description:

The project will consist of the design and construction for the replacement and upgrade of Veterans Memorial Area of the Friendship Park (Concept Package Attached Herein which will include but are not limited to the following:


  • Site demolition including water meter pit, heaved concrete sidewalks, existing sidewalk @ new monument location, granite pavers at outlooks, (2) friendship park monuments, underground power for existing uplighting, (18) trees, and flagpoles w/ associated foundations.

    • Metal railings shall be salvaged for re-installation.

  • Memorial concrete foundations curved concrete foundation wall, monument foundation, concrete sidewalks, replacement of heaved sidewalks, & concrete slab on grade

  • Patch deteriorating concrete at existing monuments to remain.

  • Granit pavers, caps, and banding at memorial

  • Backless benches at new memorial and outlooks

  • Re-build (5) overlooks – including new concrete foundations as necessary, concrete slabs, refinish metal railings, new flagpoles, new benches.

  • Repaint existing light poles to remain with high gloss black paint, railings at outlooks & railing at stairs down to river.

  • Electrical – uplighting at new flagpoles (at outlook flagpoles and at memorial flagpoles) and at memorial monument

  • Plant 17 columnar oak trees, 10 additional trees near roadway, additional plantings at flower beds.

  • Site grading/restoration & seeding

  • Design, Permits & Taxes

  • Third Party Testing Allowance

Scope of Services and Key Requirments

The Project will be constructed using the “Design-Build” project delivery method generally described below.


Pre-Construction Phase Services:


The DB will provide pre-construction and construction phase services as more particularly detailed in the Design-Build Agreement as described herein. Pre-construction phase services may include, but are not limited to schedule development, estimate development, schematic design, design development, construction documents preparation, constructability review, permits, and project planning throughout the preconstruction stages.


Project Design-Build Services:


The DB shall implement the Project pursuant to the construction documents and in accordance with the schedule requirements. The DB shall hold all subcontracts and shall be fully responsible for the means and methods of construction, construction execution, progress schedule, weekly progress meetings, testing and inspection, project safety, project completion within the schedule agreed upon in the preconstruction phase, compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and submitting monthly reports of these activities to the Owner. The

Owner reserves the right to approve the DB’s selection of subcontractors and any

supplemental terms to the subcontract form.

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